院基礎設施設備以及技術體系缺乏配套軟件, 後勤運營者欠缺輔助工具。
規劃及投入不同品牌的系統運維, 未構建協同化、可視化。
智慧醫院解決方案, 突破傳統醫院人工服務模式, 大數據實現精準醫療, 改善患者就診流程。
全新醫院移動化辦公, 推動精細化管理, 提升醫患感受和醫療效率。
海量臨床數據、費用管理的數據價值得不到充分的挖掘和利用, 正成為傳統醫院的決策盲點。
智慧機器人、智護屏、智能手環新產品, 如何實現院內外醫用設備與技術的數據全連接和一體化運維,提供專業安全保障、舒適服務和優質的醫療環境。
應醫院發展的需要, 如何支撐和完善後勤管理教育與培訓體系。跨平台業務數據缺乏層層鏈接, 管理割裂,碎片化,人力協調困難。
現場物流解決方案,從產品研發、新產品引入, 幫助醫院規避技術風險、把控質量、控制預算、提高效率,降低成本。
用信息技術優化減省重複工序,大幅減低工作時間及提升效率, 令醫療在支付方面具有開放性。
多維度數據分析鎖定合理成本核算對象, 如各環節可能產生的診次成本、病床成本、醫療服務項目成本。
A cloud management platform oriented towards multiple organizations and profit centers, fully supporting multi-organization business collaboration.
Targeting medium and large enterprises with multiple organizations and profit centers, it fully supports multi-organization business collaboration.
Focusing on multi-factory and multi-organization collaborative production, it meets the configuration needs of diverse enterprises, with comprehensive manufacturing system applications and standardized management.
Targeted at enterprise procurement, sales, and inventory management personnel, it effectively manages and controls the information flow, logistics, and cash flow across the production, supply, and sales processes, enabling comprehensive management of the enterprise's supply chain business.
A professional project management model that integrates various R&D management methodologies, supporting collaborative business processes across R&D, marketing, procurement, manufacturing, and maintenance. It features deep integration with ERP, adopts a B/S architecture, and supports multi-organization, cross-regional R&D collaboration.
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